Sunday, September 14, 2008

Unforgettable Outing

Since moving to Cambodia I have had the privilege of getting to know the Asian Hope guys.  They are a group of guys, who's families are no longer able to provide for them, so they all live together and attend the school where I work.  They have been one of the best parts of my stay in Cambodia, always welcoming me into their home for movies, games, hang out time, soccer, and lots of laughter.  They have blessed me more than they will ever know.  For all you who have supported me I want to thank you and just share with you one way that I have chosen to use  your money.  I have begun to take one of the Asian Hope guys out every other week with a friend for a night out.  They pick the place for dinner and the activity.  Living with so many people its hard for the house parents to give each child the individual attention they each deserve, but this is just one small way of giving back to these guys who have blessed me so much already. 

A glimpse into one of my outings...

Whatever happened to roller rinks in the states.  Well I am proud to inform you that Cambodia still has at least one roller rink that is still a hot spot to hang out at.  I took one of the Asian Hope guys and a few of his friends out last Friday night and allowed them to pick an activity for the night... of course they choose a to go roller skating at the mall.  I was all about it until I got there to find decade old roller blades.  Now I have no problem with old things, but with 10 year old skates, comes 10 years of sweaty feet.  I have never smelled such an awful smell in all my life... well besides the raw sewage on the side of the road, cooking in the heat everyday as I walk by to go school...but for the sake of the guys I got my dry heaving under control and somehow got my skates on.  We spent the night playing tag on skates, which I am fairly sure is illegal at roller rinks in the States to do flying into walls and people at high speeds.  All in all it was a good night and was worth the 3 dollars and the one less pair of socks.  They were left a the rink due to  the fact that they were carrying anywhere from 11 to 19 communicable diseases

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Blogging Begins... I Never Thought This Day Would Come

I decided I should start a blog.... I hope that it maybe helpful to keep all of you up to date on the happenings of Cambodia.  I started this blog with the best of intentions and I hope it is something I can keep up on instead of sending mass emails.  We all know I struggle to keep in touch with people, but I am doing my best:)
I am already feeling awkward about writing on one of these.  I don't want to become one of those people who pours out their deepest darkest secrets on the world wide web.  If that starts to happen or I start to write poetry about my life, I give all of you full permission to tell me to reel it back in :) Here goes nothing!